Pain points

Interpretation and explanation of BRSR Core
Do you know how much Energy, Water you consume and how much Waste you produce?

Do you how much leakage happens in your entire Value Chain?
How do you monitor the Suppliers Value Chain for Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 emissions

Do you have a strategy for NET Positive?

Third Party Audit Enablement to verify the data

Excel or Word or Silo Systems are not collaborative
Prone for Errors
Have no Traceability of who changed what, when?

How Novo IRESC can help you?
With over 12+ years in business, our Consultants have conducted following ESG related studies:
- Air Pollution Control Studies which includes Emissions Inventory Studies, Emissions Dispersion Studies (near range and long-range dispersion), Exhaust and Vent Dispersion Studies (using Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling), Air Quality Impact Assessment, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory and Forecasting, and Best Available Technology (BAT) Assessment for Emissions Control.
- Water Pollution Control Studies i.e., Wastewater/Effluent Inventory Studies, Water Quality Impact Assessment, Mixing Zone Modelling and BAT Assessment for Wastewater/Effluent Control.
- Toxic Waste Management i.e., Toxic Waste Inventory and Toxic Waste Management Plan.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Benefits of using BRSR Cloud

Reduction of Consumption

Brand image

Employee Morale

Better Returns
ESG Reporting software for SEBI’s compliance
For Indian Public Listed companies based on GRI and others. Our system is flexible, and the Data capture is fully customizable can suit any standard (SASB or TCFD) or any country without Programming.
Environmental Accounting Software for your Energy, Water, Waste consumption Ready to Deploy in hours.

Year on Year Comparison of Key Parameters
Any Quantitative Data can be easily compared with our system. Since clients own 100% of the Data, clients requiring sophisticated BI, can integrate with third party tools like Qlik View, Tableau, YellowFin or others using MongoDB or export relevant data in CSV.
Improve operations by visually monitoring easily customizable Dashboard of Year on Year or Quarter to Quarter data.

BRSR – Peer to Peer Comparison of Key Parameters
Any Quantitative Data can be easily compared with clients Peer Sector if required. We import the data from NSE website time to time when companies complete their BRSR data upload in XBRL format.
Impress Investors and retain Employees with Peer to Peer Performance ranking On Key Parameters.

Flexible . Customizable . Standards agnostic

About us
IRESC has a team of highly qualified, multi-disciplinary process safety and risk practitioners with global experience. We provide independent services for clients in the offshore and onshore oil & gas processing, LNG, refineries, chemical and petrochemical sectors. We have undertaken many process safety, environmental, risk and reliability studies during all phases of project lifecycle including concept/basic design (FEED), detailed engineering (EPC) and operational phase.